Wednesday 3 August 2016

Psalm 23 - He leads me beside still waters (5)

Of first importance in the Christian walk is waiting on God, but from this naturally flows activity.

Led by God

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God - Romans 8:14

"He leads me"; starting our days with a 'quiet time' listening to God is good, but it by no means warrants us the rest of the day to spend how we like. Quite the opposite. Beginning the day with rest in his presence is the prerequisite to an entire day spent in intimate communion with him. Christians are not called to lives consisting merely of 'feeding' (i.e. receiving from his Spirit), but we are called to "press on toward the mark" as Paul did [Philippians 3:14]; to pursue holiness and to work hard for God's cause for the prize that awaits us in heaven.

Active for God

In everything you do, put God first,
and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.    - Proverbs 3:6

King David was led seamlessly from rest in the presence of God to activity under the instruction of God. This we must ask for and aspire to.

Some of us are quick to finish our quiet times and 'get on with our day', always far too busy to really spend any time 'dwelling in the house of the Lord'. Others of us are inclined to fill our lives with so many meetings that we never get around to doing anything; enjoying a comfortable church service but reluctant to care for the homeless, or even our own families. Which of these are you?

Resting in God

There is a gentleness in this verse. It says "leads", not "drives". As Elijah discovered, the Holy Spirit resides not in wind, earthquakes or fires, but in a still soul (1 Kings 19). The law drove us by our guilt; Jesus leads us by his example. And in all of this we are "beside still waters"; a life with God is an adventure and one that may involve great suffering, but one that is experientially pleasant and easy as ultimately we know that our souls are secure. Hence despite knowing all of the sufferings Christians would endure, in Matthew 11:30, Jesus could say, "my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Filled by God

God leads us by water; he knows what we need and will lead us to it. More than we yearn for our daily physical nourishment he delights in providing us abounding spiritual nourishment. The "still water" he leads us by are the refreshing springs of his Spirit, the bottomless pools of his word, and ultimately the ever-satisfying living-water of his Son offered in full to us at the cross.

As the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’    - John 7:38

The water I give them will become in them
a spring of water welling up to eternal life            
 - John 4:14

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