Wednesday 29 June 2016

Summer Outreach

Hello dear friends!

Sorry, it's been a while. Lots has happened. God has been good.

I've completed my second year of maths at Cambridge. God has given me lots to do and lots of ways to grow, and has shown me exciting things about Himself and His call on my life. Which has been fun. In fact, this year has been one filled with joy! Not without its struggles, of course - I actually did a lot worse than I thought I would in my degree this year - but one of peace and joy even in those times! Praise God!

This blog, however, is less about that, and more about what I'm doing with my summer (God willing). This past term, being on the CICCU exec, I've been focusing on equipping the church for mission more than I have been actually doing it myself. This has been good, but I have really been itching to go out there myself and share this amazing news. Praise God that this summer has given me a chance to do this!

This Sunday (July 3rd) I head off to do four weeks of volunteering with Cambridge International Outreach. The aim of CIO is to reach international students in Cambridge; to make friends with them, help them to culturally adjust to the UK, and to share the gospel with them.

Each morning we'll be studying scripture, lifting the day up in prayer, and receiving evangelism training. In the afternoons we'll be inviting international students around town to our café, and also spending time with the students who are already around. Then in the evenings we run the international café, with an optional bible study afterwards. And off the back of that we hope to invite them to church guest services on the Sundays!

If you are a pray-er, please pray that I (and all others on the team) would be effective and faithful witnesses to Christ, and that many many many of these students would put their faith in Christ!

After a month of this, I head straight to London to do a five days work with the Salmon Youth Centre. I know less about this, but my understanding is that it'll be helping to run a kind of youth-camp-type-thing for 10-14 year-olds who have been in care, or are/were young offenders, or are facing abuse at home, or are at risk of homelessness, or are disabled in some way. Again, there is a 'gospel-slot' each day that we put on to try to communicate the wonderful good news about Jesus to them. This is wayyyy out of my comfort zone, so please pray lots for peace and ability to actually serve these kids.

More generally, please pray for me to spend more and more time in God's word. And to count that not as a sacrifice I give to Him to somehow earn my salvation, but as a joy and as a pleasure and simply as time spent gazing on His beauty! That I would so treasure Christ that all else would truly, practically, really be counted as loss in comparison. That from that place of delighting in God I would be fearless and unashamed of the gospel and that my witness over these five weeks would be powerful and Spirit-filled and would point many I encounter to Jesus.

God bless,

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