Tuesday 16 September 2014

University Expectations

So for those who don't know I am heading off to University in under three weeks. More specifically, I am doing an undergraduate degree in Mathematics at Cambridge University. GCSEs, AS Levels, personal statements, interviews, student finance, A2 exams, university entrance exams, results day panic; all steps on the way to enrolling at University. At this point I'm really hoping that it is worth it!

In the UK it currently costs somewhere in the region of £15,000 per year including tuition fees, accommodation, and all other costs. This obviously varies significantly based on location, course, lifestyle etc, but the point is that University is very expensive! Having said that, the financial support should mean that finance should not be a reason not to go to - or to drop out of - University. But it is only worth it if you are going to get a lot out of it.

In this blog I am going to write down what I expect University to be like and what I expect that I will do there and what I will get out of it. At the end of my degree I can look back on this and see where I am accurate and where I am wildly off!

(1) Freshers Week - Freshers week will be an emotional roller-coaster. It will contain amazing moments but will be extremely fatiguing. I will be glad of the opportunities to make friends but will be glad when it is over. There will probably be too many compulsory formal events for my liking and I will leap at the opportunity to just chill with some newly made friends rather than go out clubbing every night!

(2) The University - The wealth of opportunities and experiences available will be overwhelming initially. Once I've got over the shock of it I should be able to enjoy and take advantage of them though! The sheer number of Libraries - and their round-the-clock facilities - will cause me an inexplicable amount of excitement and my colleges sports grounds will be highly appreciated. The traditions, chapels and formal ceremonies - not so much. The accommodation and independence will take some getting used to but should be bearable!

(3) The Maths - The course will be a massive step up from school work but I will enjoy the increased pace - even if it means that I struggle with the material! Because of my course, I am not expecting to be able to get anywhere near a 1st class degree but I will be disappointed if I can't manage a 2:1. In terms of hours spent working per week I really have no clue. I'd hazard a guess at somewhere in the region of 40-50 though. The lectures will probably be confusing yet worthwhile and the supervisions will be terrifying but invaluable. I reckon I'll enjoy Analysis and Differential Equations modules.

(4) Extracurricular - I will continue to cycle and play guitar, play chess and solve Rubik cubes. But whether I will compete/perform in these disciplines I don't know. I will try out rowing and squash and may continue to play regularly. Running will probably take a back seat due simply to time restrictions! Clubbing is unlikely to become a regular hobby but I may go to bars and other venues with acoustic/alternative music.

(5) Christian Stuff - Fusion have helped me to short-list a few churches already so I suspect I'll visit a few in the first term and settle down somewhere. I'd like to be actively involved somehow, be that by playing guitar in the band or setting up PA or helping running the techie side of things. The Christian Union will probably be my main source of friends and social events and I especially want to be active in my colleges CU. I am hoping that this side of things will be encouragingly fruitful!

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