Monday 25 August 2014

I'm starting a blog!

Hello readers!

If you don't know me already, my name is Jeffrey Guille. And I am starting a blog.

I'm not entirely sure why, but I do have some semi-convincing ideas. The first that springs to mind is that I am ten weeks into my summer holidays, and am consequently very bored. I am rarely granted the opportunity to write anything lengthier than one paragraph - as you may be able to tell - and so this will be a convenient way to allow my inner poet to shine (and perhaps for my sarcasm to flourish...)

There may be some more substantial reasons. I am starting University in about five weeks time, which is all very new and exciting, and it'll be nice to document my experience. Simply writing my life down might help me to appreciate and keep track of it as it unfolds. Reading it retrospectively - either six months down the line to groan at my own incompetence, or sixty years later to supplement my fading memory with assurance that I once lived a full-ish life - could prove invaluable.

Maybe I can also inform or entertain others who either find my writing interesting or are thinking of pursuing a similar academic (or other) path to me. When I caught the "Uni bug" back in the summer holidays before year 13 I certainly wanted all of the information I could get about my University and course, and I am happy to provide prospective students with any information or advice that I can give.

Also, as a Christian about to embark on the terrifying adventure that is the "University experience" I know I've had a lot of questions about peer pressure, the drinking culture, and how to remain "set apart for Christ" at University. So for those in a similar position I hope I will be able to document my experiences in this area as they happen.

Perhaps I should provide you with an idea of the sort of content I plan on covering in this blog, so that you can decide whether my ramblings may contain any nuggets of desirable information. In essence the blog will simply document my life, or express what is on my mind so the best I can do is outline what my life and thoughts will likely consist of. So in no particular order:

(1) University life: As aforementioned, I start University soon so a lot of my blogs will be about various aspects of my experiences in higher education. More specifically, I am studying Mathematics at Jesus College, Cambridge in the UK. I am also happy to talk about the application/interview process.

(2) Mathematics: As well as being my degree subject, doing maths is one of my favourite ways to spend my time and so some of my blogs may detail various aspects of my course, or explore in depth particularly captivating content. I'm also happy to explain why I enjoy it!

(3) Church: I am a Christian, and consider this to be the foremost aspect of my identity. I also consider my relationship with God to be pivotal in my life, and love to worship Him as much as I can! This said, while I don't intend making this blog "religious" I may inevitably end up talking rather enthusiastically about the latest Hillsong album, or talking at length about the more interesting aspects of Theology and Philosophy. I plan also to dedicate a significant portion of the blogs that I do to exploring the nature of being a born again Christian at University.

(4) Hobbies: Music (all genres welcome, but particularly Blues, Rock and Jazz, and anything guitar or worship related) cycling, running, chess, "backstage" (PA kit, electronics, lighting, live camera feed etc)

I am not going to outline a schedule and I would expect these blogs to be updated sporadically at best. As with pretty much everything in life, I prefer to write because of inspiration rather than obligation. If pushed, I'd predict that I'll be writing at least one blog a month about "My life since the last blog" which should be of similar length to this. On top of that, expect topical blogs (ie: "Free will vs Predestination?" or "Should I go to University?") to appear at random, of varying length and coherance.

Anyway, feel free to stick around and read my blogs if you want to. Comments requesting particular topics would be especially welcome!

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