Monday 9 February 2015

A glimpse of Heaven

A glimpse of Heaven

In the radiant sunrise that takes my breath away,
In the harmonious bird song announcing a new day,
In the innocent frolicking of lambs in sweet pastures,
In the curious child bewildered by its parents gestures.

In the metaphor that enhances as well as depicts,
In the hidden beauty of DNAs double helix,
In the melodic crescendo of a heartfelt tune,
In the intricate beauty of mathematical truths. 

In reconciliation and the restoration of relationships,
In the unreserved joy found in the birth of friendship,
In those who give countless hours to charitable service,
In the undying aspirations of those labelled as worthless.

In the unexpected gift received from a close friend,
In the list of answered prayers that seems to never end,
In the events that chance surely didn’t bring about,
In the faith of others when I am faced with doubt.

In the saint’s testimonies of lives laid down,
In the youth’s passion to share what they have found,
In the church united in worship before Jesus,
In the giving of its resources to serve those who are weakest.

It is in these things, not in fiction or in stained glass,
That I catch a glimpse of Heaven, on Earth.

"Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature" - Romans 1:20

"You wont be able to say 'Here it is' or 'It's over there' for the Kingdom of God is already among you" - Luke 17:21

"Whatever you did to the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did also to me" - Matthew 25:40